Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Freezing, Screaming, and a Hug from Bono!--- day 2--- sorry it is out of order

I just had to the most amazing day of 2009! I woke up after an okay night sleep, ate a bite, then headed to Starbucks for internet. I needed it to research George Stevens Jr. who is the producer of We Are One, a concert for the president. I’ll talk about that later though, lets talk about my food. I ate a yummy doughnut and another decaf latte. Yummy!

         Okay, so we took the metro to Foggy Bottom, which I thought was Froggy Bottom, so I always had a frog butt in my mind. Haha. Then, we walked in the very cold to Lincoln Memorial, where we were gently greeted by a fence and security. After a few street interviews, my grandpa John Field was able to come give us our press passes, which was a great fortune. The first rehearsal that we were there for was John Mellancamp who sang “Pink Houses”. We watched it from the control room, which is basically a bunch of monitors on a wall and a director shouting camera angles at my grandpa, the Technical Director. After, we broke for lunch and ate mac and cheese and a mini burrito, and drank sprite. Yum!

         After lunch, we froze to watch Bruce Springsteen perform “The Rising”, and it was so good! OH, and while he was walking to the stage we got a “Yes we can” from him, yay! After, he did a song with Pete Seeger and sang “This Land is Made for You and Me.” WOW, it was soooo amazing! I absolutely loved it! But, the best was yet to come when we watched U2 perform. OMIGOD, talk about a life time experience! I loved every minute of it, every word. It was gently snowing to emphasize the effect as well. To top it off, we yelled “Bono, yes we can!”, and he said “Yes we could,” and then we told him to say it into the mic, and he did that too!, And, after the show we expected to maybe get one more “Yes we can,” and he totally surprised us by coming up and giving Christan and I hug and picture opportunity. OH MY GOD! IT WAS AMAZING! Well, I’m gonna leave it at that. TTYL!!



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